Frequently asked questions

Contact our office for a consultation.  Ms. Dewbury will meet with you to discuss your matter and provide you with her assessment of the appropriate retainer fee.

Collaborative law is an alternative to litigation.  You and your spouse each have an attorney.  As a result, each of you feel that your rights are protected.  We all sign a contract stating that we will resolve the matter without going to court.  For more details contact the office for a consultation.

We accept checks and major credit cards.

You can only answer this question once you meet with us.  The firm you ultimately retain should be one you have confidence in and trust to have your interests at heart.

You will have meetings with your attorney and will have contact by email and/or telephone.

During the consultation, you explain your circumstances and we provide you with options.  We are dedicated to your case at a time when you need legal support and the guidance of an attorney you trust to zealously represent you.

There are many clients who retain this firm after first trying to represent themselves.  It is much more difficult and expensive to undo a bad agreement than it is to have it done right the first time.  Ultimately, the answer to this question is up to you.  But, even the simplest matters need to be in proper legal form and you should be protected.

Child custody can be resolved outside of court or in litigation.  Custody is decided based on the best interests of the child.

This depends on the circumstances of your case.  Courts now track your case based on its complexity and have certain time requirements.

Legal custody is generally about decision making for your child.  Joint legal custody is when parents make major decisions regarding the child together.  The method for making decisions together can be customized based on your particular circumstances.  There is also sole legal custody.  This is where only one party makes major decisions concerning the child.